Safety, Security & Investigations Alert

Federal Nonprofit Security Grant Program: Apply for Vital Funding to Protect Your Organization

Nonprofits across the United States have a unique opportunity to apply for critical funding under the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP). This program, which supports organizations at high risk of terrorist activity, has recently received additional funding through the National Security Supplemental (NSGP-NSS) initiative. This extra funding offers nonprofits a chance to strengthen their security …

School Safety & Security Alert

Summer School Security: Perfect Time to Plan and Prepare

As plans for proms, award ceremonies, graduations, and other year-end activities are finalized, the school year is officially winding down. In the weeks ahead, students, teachers, and other staff members will be off for a much-needed break. School administrators, maintenance, and, hopefully, some security staff will remain in empty or sparsely populated school buildings to begin the task of cleaning, …

Empty classroom

8 Back to School Safety Tips New Jersey Schools Should Know

On August 1, 2022, Governor Murphy signed legislation requiring New Jersey Public Schools, Charter Schools, and Renaissance Schools, commencing at the start of the 2023-24 school year, to develop and adopt policies for the establishment of threat assessment teams in their schools.

Empty classroom

School Threat Assessment Teams: Meeting the New Requirement

On August 1, 2022, Governor Murphy signed legislation requiring New Jersey Public Schools, Charter Schools, and Renaissance Schools, commencing at the start of the 2023-24 school year, to develop and adopt policies for the establishment of threat assessment teams in their schools.

School Protests and Security Incidents Increase in New Jersey

The NJDOE Office of School Preparedness and Emergency Planning provided information from  the New Jersey State Police Regional Operations and Intelligence Center regarding a protest that was planned on school grounds at a Mercer County public school. The information indicated that the group ACLU’s People Power advised the district of the intent to protest. The district informed the group that the protest would not be permitted on school grounds.  

Governor Murphy Signs Legislation Requiring NJ Public Schools to Develop Threat Assessment Teams

August 2, 2022 Client Alert On August 1, 2022, Governor Murphy signed legislation (A4075/3229) requiring NJ Public Schools, including Charter Schools and Renaissance Schools, to develop and adopt policies for the establishment of threat assessment teams in their schools. According to the new law “the purpose of a threat assessment team shall be to provide school teachers, administrators, and other …

School Safety and Security Legislation Update

At the conclusion of the 2021-22 New Jersey Legislative Session, two pieces of legislation with direct connections to school safety and security were passed. In the aftermath of recent acts of school violence nationally and highly publicized hazing incidents in New Jersey, these new laws will impact the way school staff and students practice emergency responses and enhance reporting, investigation, compliance, and consequences for harassment, intimidation, and bullying incidents in schools. 

Using Lessons Learned To Prevent School Violence

December 6, 2021 – For decades, school leaders, law enforcement officials, parents, students, and communities that have experienced tragic incidents of targeted violence in schools have provided insights, after-action reports, and “lessons learned” from their experiences. Government agencies, non-profit organizations, task forces, and researchers have convened to identify commonalities among these violent acts to develop best practices to prevent, respond to, and recover from violence in schools. After decades of research and advocacy for safer schools, acts of violence continue to go unmitigated despite an abundance of guidance on the subject.

Start with Respect to Make Schools Safer

October 4, 2021 – Violence in schools exists in many forms- from bullying and physical altercations between students to the threat of targeted violence from internal and external actors. While violence prevention is a year-round obligation for schools, the month of October provides several opportunities for school communities and their partners to address school violence head-on as the school year gets into full swing. 

Back to School Safety Compliance-NJ School Safety and Security Requirements

September 2, 2021 – While COVID-19 has consumed our conversations and resources over the past year, and variants of COVID-19 and rising levels of infection continue to require schools to adapt for in-person learning for the 2021-22 school year, planning for masks, vaccines, disinfecting, and other disease mitigation strategies,  preparation for the upcoming school year must also include the traditional back-to-school planning of years past. Safety and security considerations should top the list to ensure a safe return for students and staff.